What is Women Who D&D?

  • Our goal is to provide a safe environment for women and fem-presenting people to build their confidence and play Dungeons & Dragons.

    We currently offer workshops and one shots aimed for beginners. However, as we expand, we will be offering our services to a diverse range of people and age-ranges from all types of backgrounds.

  • A couple of nerdy best friends from Lancashire, UK! With a love of D&D, RPG, and TTRPGs, we realised there were a lot of women and femmes out there who wanted to get to know the basic mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons… one thing led to another and here we are!

    For a more in depth introduction please see our About Us page!

  • At 'Women Who D&D', we are dedicated to empowering women and individuals across the gender spectrum with the fundamental skills of Dungeons and Dragons 5e.

    Our mission is to cultivate confidence and foster inclusion within the vibrant D&D community. Through engaging workshops and beginner-friendly one-shots, we pave the way for new adventurers. As we grow, we will be offering comprehensive beginner boxes and specialised workshops. While our focus is on women and fem-presenting individuals, our commitment to diversity means we welcome all identities and are eager to extend our services to men, trans men, LGBTQ+, those with more effeminate expressions, and a diverse age range. Together, we embark on epic journeys and build a tapestry of shared experiences.

    At 'Women Who D&D', we believe in more than just teaching the mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons 5e. We envision creating a welcoming community space where people can come together to socialise, connect, and combat loneliness through the magic of storytelling.

    We recognise that D&D isn't just a game; it's a powerful tool for personal growth and skill development. Through our sessions, we aim to foster team building, enhance communication skills, and boost confidence. We've seen first-hand how this imaginative world can be a transformative force, and we're committed to harnessing its potential for the betterment of individuals and communities alike.

  • Beginner Workshops
    One Shots
    Private Workshop Bookings

  • Subscriptions
    Homebrew Content
    Beginner Boxes

  • Form is now open for DM/GMs! Follow the link here

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