Want to DM for us?!

Are you a Dungeon Master or Game Master keen to bring new players to the table? Are you comfortable running one-shot games or short campaigns for beginner players?

If these sound like you, we’d like to hear from you! Women Who D&D is passionate about bringing Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop games to a wide new audience, teaching players the ropes and bringing fresh faces to the (literal) table. To do this, we’re looking to build a team of Game Masters who can provide the hands-on experience of playing the games whilst making them accessible for all abilities.

Our main priority is ensuring everyone feels safe and comfortable while getting to grips with their new pastime, and it’s important that all of our Game Masters appreciate and respect that. Be patient and be kind; we were all the newbies at the table once!

We’re opening the board of Game Masters up to all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, and personality types. Everyone’s gaming style is different, and we so want to embrace that!

So, without further ado, if you’d like to get involved and join our team of Game Masters, fill in the form below. Tell us a bit about you, why you’d like to join, and what sort of games and play styles you can bring to the table.

Fill out some info, and we will be in touch shortly! We can’t wait to hear from you!