Pronouns: She / Her

Age: Somewhere over 30…

Location: Lancashire, UK

Rule System(s): Dungeons & Dragons 5E

Games I run: D&D 5E one shots, short campaigns

Look out for: Call of Cthulhu, Vampire the Masquerade

My play style: I’m a big fan of the story-telling and roleplay side of D&D and usually have more story than combat in my games, but hey, if you stumble into a den of giant spiders, you’d better get ready to roll initiative!

I have a tendency to lean towards some horror/mystery themes, but I’ll always check first to make sure there’s no “don’t touch” areas with all my players.

At the end of the day, the game belongs to the characters and their choices, I’m merely a guide, so the most important thing to me as a DM is that everyone has a good time. Let’s Roll!

About me:

Hiya! I’m Kirsty and I’m one of the co-founders of Women Who D&D.

Like a lot of D&D players, I was drawn to fantasy and worlds and the escapism that comes with them, so really it's no surprise I fell in love with Dungeons & Dragons and tabletop games the way I did. I've always enjoyed building stories, either in my head, on paper, or through developing my PCs.

I’ve been part of a long-term D&D campaign for a couple of years now playing my half-elf rogue, Yeslynn (whom I am scarily attached to at this stage), but I’ve also loved DMing and building my own worlds and scenarios. It’s one of the best thrills to see players leaning in during a tense moment, or covering their face in shock when you’ve revealed a twist in the story. I can’t wait to share these moments with you!

I live in Burnley with my husband and can usually be found dancing in my kitchen while I cook or bake or curled up with a game controller or book in hand. Every now and then you might even see me in a costume at a convention, but you might have to try and catch me as I flit between stalls. I love all things fantasy, Sci-Fi, and spooky related and will happily talk your ear off about any of them.

I’m also known as our group’s resident dice goblin, so don’t worry if you forget your set, I have plenty for you to borrow….though I will insist you give my babies back at the end!

I’ve loved helping to create and build Women Who D&D! It’s introduced us to some amazing people and I absolutely love creating a welcoming and encouraging space for people from all backgrounds who might have previously thought they didn’t belong at the table.