Pronouns:   He/Him
Age: mid 30s

Location: Poynton, Manchester/Cheshire

Rule System: D&D 5e

Games I run: D&D one shots/ short campaigns/ and the occasional long campaign

Look out for: Whimsical Animal companions

My Play style: I love most the storytelling and roleplay elements of D&D. When combat does come up in game I like a good map and a lot of miniatures. Throw on a little background music and it’s a good time. As a Game/Dungeon Master I believe I am here to give the players an experience they will enjoy and help them to tell the stories they want to tell.

I tend to lean towards whimsical fantasy setting but will happily jump into a spooky or grittier setting if that’s what the players at my table want. It’s always such an honour when a player trust you with something they care about and want brought to life in the games we run.

About me:

Hey, I’m Greg.

I first started running D&D games during the early pandemic days and straight away started to get my friends and family into the game. I love the cooperative storytelling and helping new players discover all the possibilities they can explore.

I now have several regular games, including an all women & LGBTQ+ game which is great fun. I have also run a range of one shots for new players.

For the last 8 years I’ve been a full-time professional artist working mostly in the worlds of commission miniature painting and cosplay props. I can raid my own workshop for models and props to throw into games which is very handy.

My wife Laura first introduced me to Women Who D&D and I thought that the idea was amazing. I volunteered my services to Amy and Kirsty, who were gracious enough to allow me to contribute what I can to this awesome community