Pronouns: She/Her

Location: Manchester/UK

Rule System(s): D&D 5e

Games I run: 5e one-to-three shots - Iā€™m currently developing a  homebrew world for these games to play out in, that may pan into a campaign or longer storyline soon.ā€™

About me:
I'm a D&D player of a few years now, kicking and punching my way through a homebrew campaign as my Elvish monk. I've ran a few games for my friends, playing mostly virtually, as I find it easier as a player and as a DM to access rules and notes easier this way - and it usually means I'm only a few steps away from the kitchen for my next meal/snack! I would love to welcome players into fantasy realms to play this fun and engaging RPG with us.
When I'm not D&Ding I'm a keen powerlifter, this is currently impeded a little by a stunning lack of recovery capacity due to pregnancy. I've been doing that a little longer than I've been playing D&D, but have a whale of a time at both. I also love knitting and crocheting.