The Women Who D&D Community Welcomes YOU!

For anyone familiar with our work and why we started up, you'll know that one of our primary goals is to create a safe, supportive community of women, fem-presenting, and non-binary people.

Starting any new hobby can be daunting at first; you're diving into an already established space full of people who've been doing it for much longer than you, and there's always the fear of looking silly in front of more experienced members. Dungeons & Dragons and other Table-top roleplaying games can be the same, so we wanted to bridge the gap and give folk an opportunity to meet other players, people just starting out, or even just like-minded folk who are thinking of giving it a go.

That's exactly what we did last night! Thanks to our partnership with GRUB in Manchester, we booked out a few tables, dotted our flyers around and waited to greet whoever walked through the door...and that's just what they did.

While it can be nerve-wracking to go out and meet a bunch of strangers, it's amazing what similar interests can do to break the ice. Soon enough, awkward small talk turned into deep conversations about fantasy worlds, what made people want to start playing D&D, and even going around comparing everyone's dice hordes!

Conversation flowed easily almost immediately, and discussions started around setting up mini campaigns or regular games so everyone could get involved, which is exactly what we love to see and the main reason we set up the social to begin with.

If a social meet up sounds like something you'd like to be part of and you'd like us to host one in your area, feel free to get in touch!


We love you, guys