Adventures in Entrepreneurship: Women Who D&D Edition

Ahoy, fellow adventurers!

It's been a super busy week here at Women Who D&D headquarters, and we can't wait to share all the exciting updates with you.

Co-founder Kirsty and I have been on a quest to bring the magic of D&D to women and femmes, far and wide, and we are so excited over the strides we have been making.

Website Launch

We have officially launched our website! The site is now ready to welcome curious souls into our world of Women Who D&D.

Facebook Group: 200 Strong!

Our Facebook group is growing! We are about to hit 200 members and it's incredible to see our little community growing! Each new member brings a fresh perspective to our magical table.

Monthly Workshops

We're on the hunt for the perfect location to host our monthly workshops and have meetings lined up over the next few weeks.

Once we have an established local base we will be able to schedule in monthly workshops, our next one is this coming Sunday and spaces have filled up quick!

We will of course be looking to host workshops further afield and are both happy to travel across the UK to put on additional workshops.

Manchester, Here We Come!

One of the venues we are meeting with is in Manchester, we are so excited about this prospective location! Watch this space!!

Mission: Make D&D Accessible

Kirsty and I have been brainstorming like crazy, conjuring plans to make D&D accessible for everyone. Beginner boxes are on the horizon and our beginner-friendly character sheets are nearing completion. (I keep thinking I have perfected it, then decide I want to add something else, or make another tweak… I want it to be just right!)

We hope to have these available for purchase and download very soon.

Fantasy Festival UK:

We managed to secure tickets to the Fantasy Festival UK next summer! We will be there just for fun rather than business (this time!). The countdown has officially begun, and we're already brewing up ideas for our costumes.

As our journey with Women Who D&D continues, we're beyond grateful for the support and enthusiasm from this incredible community. Together, we're forging a path to make D&D a realm where everyone feels welcome and empowered.


#200 and Spooky One Shots