Pronouns: She/Her

Age: Thirty-shushyou.

Location: Lancashire/ Manchester, UK

Rule System(s): D&D 5e

Games I run: D&D One Shots/ Short Campaigns.

Look out for: Thirsty Sword Lesbians

My play style: I do lean more towards the roleplay/storytelling side of D&D than the combat, however I won’t shy away from combat if that is where my players are leading me! I do strongly believe that the players make the game, I’m just here to help them navigate… and keep them on their toes.

About me:

Hi, my name is Amy, and I am one of the co-founders of Women Who DnD.

I started playing D&D around 2018 when a friend of mine introduced me to it. I really enjoyed the game but unfortunately that particular campaign sort of drew to a close. I didn’t think too much about it again in all honestly! Around the same time I was in a rock cover band, and started a new job! Fast forward a few years, I fell pregnant, had my wonderful baby boy in March 2020… and then the world shut down for a further couple of years!

Then in Aug 22 a couple of my close friends, Kirsty and James, asked if I would be interested in joining a campaign… I did, and it took over! I couldn’t wait for each session, it really captured my creative side. Then I tried my hand at DMing so James (Our main campaign DM) could take a turn as a player, and I really caught a taste for that too.

I’ve homebrewed one six session vampire themed campaign, run a few one shots and I’m currently designing an entirely homebrewed D&D universe, plus a TTRPG - in my spare time, which isn’t too often these days!

Women Who DnD has taken off in a way we never imagined! It keeps me on my toes and it is exciting to see it growing so naturally. To share that with like-minded people, and know that we are helping to create a community that allows for women and LGBTQ+ to find confidence and be comfortable with the game… that feels like a gift!